Leah - Team Captain

Leah is in ninth grade and this is her second year in participating in FLL and on the Assembly Required team. She is an expert programmer and is innovative in her approach, not only to coding, but also to both the mechanical engineering and the project work--a true well-rounded team leader. Her favorite core value is fun as she loves to learn new things. She enjoys playing tennis and chess, is learning Java, and working on coding an app, in her spare time.

Katie Feren - Team Manager

Katie is in seventh grade and in her second year in FLL, but first on this team, having been a rookie member of Batteries Include last year. Her favorite part of robotics is her spending time with her teammates and strategizing ways to solve the missions. She also enjoys making sure that all the team information is organized. Katie’s favorite core value is innovation because she likes to develop new solutions or find ways to improve already-found solutions. In her free time, Katie does karate and plays volleyball. 

Eyan - Core Values Manager

Eyan is an eighth grader and in his third year in FLL and on the Assembly Required team. His favorite part of robotics is engineering, and practicing core values. If he had to choose one core value, he would choose teamwork. In his free time, Eyan participates in Boy Scouts, plays soccer, baseball, Football, and likes to play video games and make videos with his friends. 

Jake - Robot Manager

Jake is a sixth grader and is in his third year in FLL, having led the Batteries Included team last year. He enjoys both the engineering of the robot and the attachments as well as the challenge of coding. If he had to choose one core value, Jake would choose discovery because he loves to learn new skills. He is also mentoring our brand new FLL Explore team of 5-10 year olds every week. In his free time, Jake creates new things with LEGOs. 

Isaac - Project Manager

Isaac is a sixth grader and in his second year in FLL, having been on Batteries Include last year. His favorite part about robotics is getting to know his teammates and working on the project. Isaac loves the Teamwork core value most because he really enjoys working with others, and he demonstrates this by always working to engage other team members. In his free time, Isaac enjoys playing board games with friends and family. 

Max - Outreach Manager

Max is a seventh grader and is in his second year in FLL, having been on Batteries Included as a rookie last year. His favorite thing about robotics is engineering and coding the robot. His favorite core value is impact because he enjoys ideas that help to improve the world. In his free time, Max plays video games, plays  soccer, and runs. 

Hudson - Mission Manager

Hudson is a seventh grader and this is his second year in FLL, having been on Batteries Included as a rookie last year. He enjoys building the robot and writing for the project. If he had to choose one core value, he would choose innovation because it is a big part of Lego League. In his free time, Hudson enjoys taking care of his pets. 

Dennis - Code Manager

Dennis is a sixth grader and is in his second year in FLL, having been on Batteries Included as a rookie last year. He enjoys building and coding the robot. His favorite core value is teamwork because everyone plays an important part. “If we don’t work together, we can’t go as far." In his free time, Dennis plays soccer and video games. He also enjoys fishing and hiking. 

Bryson - Engineer/Core Values

Bryson is a fifth grader and this is his second year in FLL, having been on Batteries Included as a rookie last year. He enjoys building and his favorite core value is teamwork because he loves working with all of his team members so they can learn and share with each other. He is a competitive runner and loves to  go fishing and boating.

Antonio - Engineer 

Antonio is a sixth grader and this is his second year in FLL, having been on Batteries Included as a rookie last year. His favorite part of robotics is the engineering and building. He is also enjoying learning some code and debugging. His favorite core value is fun because he loves hanging out with the team and riding motorcycles with his dad.